* update 21/11/2012 *
- Preparations have started for the 8th international libre graphics meeting that will take place in Madrid, 10-13 April 2013.
You can already propose projects for Interactivos?13: Tools for a Read-Write world. This prototyping workshop directly follows the meeting.
More news here very soon!
LGM 2012 in Vienna
LGM 2013: Dates and venue
Edition eight of the Libre Graphics Meeting will take place from Wednesday 10 until Saturday 13 April 2013 in Madrid, Spain. LGM is welcome in Medialab Prado‘s brand new building in the center of the city, La Serreria Belga. Stay tuned for more news!
The 2012 videos are online
For all those who didn’t make to Vienna. For all those who were too busy to listen to all the conferences. For all those who have worked all night and half slept in in the Auditorium. The videos of some of the talks are now on youtube. Go and watch them! Thanks to Frob and [...]
Picture gallery
We have a lot of pictures from the LGM 2012. Here are some of the best galleries! Nicu Tom’s drawing Please add your gallery as a comment to this post (we will integrate them in the list) And here are some blog posts on the LGM 2012: Personal LGM 2012 report by Ramon Miranda LGM [...]
Getting feedback on the LGM 2012
Help us preparing the LGM final report we will need for all our communications with sponsoring organizations, whether they are corporate, non-profit or public. From each team present at LGM 2012 we need a short text telling in a lively manner, including a good quote to summarize, what was accomplished at LGM this year and [...]
See you next year in Madrid!
The LGM 2012 is over. After one week of hard working the LGMers are traveling home with lot of new ideas which will keep them busy for the next months. (If you find one wandering around in the Metalab, please send him/her home!) In the next days we will publish a report with more details [...]
The LGM has started
This morning at 9:00 the LGM has started! Everybody is here, many took the time to enjoy some sightseeing under the hot Austrian sun and the first evening meetings have already happened at the Metalab and in our flats. Have a nice Libre Graphics Meeting!
Press release #2 – LGM begins in a few days…
There are only a few days until the 7th edition of LGM begins. We can proudly announce the talks schedule at this time. As it does every year, the Libre Graphics Meeting focuses on individual and group interaction with an emphasis towards free media and the free software that produces it. This year, the program [...]
Preparing the LGM program
We’ve got lot wonderful submissions: now, we are busy sorting out the last details and preparing the program for the four days of the LGM. For the ones who were not aware of the submission deadline: we are not accepting 30 minutes talks anymore (except if you have a very very good talk and very [...]
Last call for talk submissions
Two days are left for submitting talks, workshops, and panels for the upcoming Libre Graphics Meeting! Please consider that the audience we expect in Vienna is mostly people who are already part of one of our projects or graphic artists who already know our products. For this reason, we will favor talks about topics that [...]
Commercial break
Starting from Jakub’s poster, Ale and Gnokii have created a new ad for the LGM 2012: download it, print it, spread it!
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