Press release #2 – LGM begins in a few days…
There are only a few days until the 7th edition of LGM begins. We can proudly announce the talks schedule at this time.
As it does every year, the Libre Graphics Meeting focuses on individual and group interaction with an emphasis towards free media and the free software that produces it. This year, the program for Libre Graphics Meeting contains a lot of talks about new developments in the world of free graphics and design software. The schedule for the talks contains more then 40 talks.
The talks are not the only points in the program of Libre Graphics Meeting. Every day there are hacking sessions, meetings, and workshops planned as well. LGM’s strength comes from the presenters who talk about their work and inspire others by sharing their experiences, techniques, and best practices.
If you are interested in the program, you can find it here.
The 7th edition of the Libre Graphics Meeting will help bring the development of free graphic software forward in LGM tradition. Whether you are a developer, an artist, or an enthusiast, you can be a part of this year’s event. If you decide to visit the 7th Libre Graphics Meeting, you can register here. There is no entrance fee and it’s not too late to participate with an Lightning Talk or a BoF-session.
The Libre Graphics Meeting needs still the support with the travelling costs for speakers, however. There is a Pledgie campaign for gathering the money that we still need. So if you are a user of tools like Scribus, GIMP, Inkscape, or any of the many other projects that are participating in LGM, making a pledge is a great way to say ‘Thank You’ to the developers of the tools you use.