The Call for Participation has concluded.
Some slots will still be available. Read here about our next steps.
Thank you all for your submissions. We can already announce that all proposals will be accepted. We will send notice to all individual submitters within the coming week.
So far, we’ll have 19 presentations and 11 BoFs or Workshops. However, we can presumably fit some more contributions into the schedule; there might be a chance for latecomers to have their proposals included.
If you missed the initial deadline, we invite you to submit your proposals now. Please read the Call for Participation. Details about the process are explaine below.
What’s next?
We will be crafting a preliminary program soon; this will also help us determine the required premises and the booking of these. Once that’s in place, we will publish the initial program and announce any remaining free slots for further contributions. New submissions will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, so don’t hesitate!