Libre Graphics Meeting 2025 – RE:imagination

28-31 May Nuremberg, Germany

NOTE The Call for Participation has concluded. However, we can presumably fit some more contributions into the schedule; there might be a chance for latecomers to have their proposals included. Read the official announcement and follow our news for updates.

Call for Participation

We are thrilled to announce the eighteenth annual Libre Graphics Meeting (LGM) 2025, to be held from Wednesday, May 28 to Saturday, May 31 in Nuremberg, Germany. This annual gathering is an opportunity for teams, contributors, and practitioners involved in Libre Graphics to work together, share experiences, and hear new and inspiring ideas.

By Libre Graphics, we mean “Free, Libre, and Open Source tools for creative uses.” LGM is not just about software but extends to standards and file formats used in creative work. Participants in LGM include developers, designers, academics, and activists from around the world who are passionate about Free/Libre tools and their creative applications.

We Are Looking For

Available Formats (times include Q&A)

State of Libre Graphics

Each meeting begins with a joint session that brings together everything that has happened in our wide landscape over the last year. Instead of slots for general updates on the various software projects, we invite every team to submit two slides (maximum) with a short explanatory text showcasing the progress made over the past year. For first-time presenters and particularly big or new topics in established projects, we encourage additional stand-alone submissions.

Special focus – RE:imagination

The Libre Graphics Meeting faced significant challenges during and after the pandemic. In Rennes, France, 2024, the local organization team revitalized the event, and now we aim to rebuild the international community and strengthen the structures around the Libre Graphics Meeting.

Join us to reconnect with old friends and forge new connections. Beyond the customary contributions, we are looking for presentations and discussions that embrace the theme of RE:imagination, exploring the future of the Libre Graphics Meeting together.

(NOTE: it’s not a requirement to make reference to the special focus, feel free to conentrate on your own topic!)

Practical Details

Call opens: 18 December 2024

We will let you know if your presentation is selected by end of February 2025 at the latest.

We welcome all workshop proposals, but would also like to encourage workshops which build on topics addressed in talks. Please don’t hesitate to submit proposals for both!

If you propose a workshop, let us know what you expect participants to bring, in terms of both prior experience and required items (sketchbook, laptop with which applications installed, etc.)

For each BOF or meeting on the public schedule, we ask you to provide a short report, to be made available to the Libre Graphics Community afterwards.

Submission Guidelines

We look forward to your contributions and to seeing you in Nuremberg!