
¡Asistir a LGM es gratis y está abierto a todo el mundo! No es imprescindible inscribirse, pero nos gustaría saber quién planea asisitir a este 8º encuentro de Madrid.

Sign up for LGM 2013

  • Used to send you a confirmation email. Your address will not be published or shared.
    The participant list includes your name, nick, website and project.
    Please give us an idea of how you would like to contribute to organizing LGM in the comment field below.
    On Sunday the venue will be available for adhoc meetings, worksessions etc. Interactivos?'13:Tools for a Read-Write world is a creative prototyping workshop related to LGM.
  • We aim for a carbon-neutral event and would like to know where you travel from, and how
  • Approximate distance (in km) for your round trip
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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