-> merge with http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/lgm/?page_id=127
The Online IT infrastructure team is in charge of the communication infrastructure used for the LGM.
The infrastrucutre is composed by:
- an LGM website for each year.
- an information management site (currently this WordPress instance).
- the LGM mailing list on Freedesktop.
- partially, the Create mailing list.
- the #lgm IRC channel on Freenode.
- the #lgm2014 irc channel.
- the contact adresses (email).
The team is composed by
- Ale
- Camille
- Manuel
- Sarup
There is a contact with Martin.. will he join the team or just consul us?
The event website
Currently, we have:
- a WordPress based website
- one instance per year
- with Gravity forms form managing the talks submissions, the registration, the reimbursment and the feedback
- the hosting is provided by Scribus in a freebsd VM
Needs for the LGM website
- Present a yearly website to the public (about, how to participate, venue, accommodation, contacts, …)
- Publish news (press-releases, important changes, …)
- Present an LGM website with general information on the LGM
- Aggregate the online social activity on the LGM (tweets by hashtag, …)
Through Gravity Forms and a set of ad hoc scripts, the website currently also provide services for the information management related to the event:
- Registration for the event (evt. a tool for badges creation)
- Conferences/Workshop submission
- Reimbursement for the travelling costs
- Feedback from the participants
Problems with the current setup:
- Gravity forms does not allow a granular access rights to the forms and data
- Gravity forms does not provide an API for accessing the data stored in the forms (show the entries on the site)
- Not optimal for information management
- People have the feeling, that when they get a login they will have to manage the website
- Very slow (if at all) reaction from the server (BSD) admin.
Advantages of the current setup:
- Only one, well known by the editors, platform.
- Easy to manage on the server side
Alternatives / Propositions:
- Use Civicrm for the meeting management.
The mailing lists
Current situation
- The LGM mailing list for the internal organisation related discussions. With public archives and free to join.
- The Create list for general discussions on libre graphics, which may or not include the LGM. Each LGM project should have at least one person on this list.
- We should have a mailing list for the organisation.
- We should have some rules on which communication goes to which channel and who should / might be on which list.
The contact addresses
Current state
- Louis as a contact person for finances and sponsoring.
- info@libregraphicsmeeting.org (forwarded to the LGM list or to selected addresses)
- the #lgm channel is managed is managed by Peter Linnel (from the Scribus team) and the bot is mrscribe from the Scribus project (and running on the Scribus server)
- the #lgm2014 channel is unmanaged.
- The team should manage the #lgm channel
- We should have our own bot (public / private archiving?)
- Install meetbot (meetbot.debian.net/Manual.html) for managing the meetings