LGM offers to reimburse the travel-only part of expenses for the round-trip to LGM (economy) for contributors to Libre Graphics who need it and who are not otherwise sponsored. We offer to cover charges for public transport from and to Leipzig. For people coming by car, we reimburse 10¢ per kilometer based on Google maps distance.
The money for reimbursement is raised by the organising team from corporate sponsors, and donated by community members through the yearly Pledgie campaign. As money is always tight, we much appreciate your support for LGM by paying (partially) for your own trip. If that is not possible, we are happy to do what we can so that you can join us for the meeting.
Who can be reimbursed?
- Anyone actively contributing to Libre Graphics who needs to meet face to face to work with other contributors. This can mean software developers, community developers, documenters, designers, etc.
- People who give a talk at LGM
How does this work?
At any moment during the LGM you can fill the form below, upload your eTicket and proof of purchase along with your boarding pass (or any other travel document — train, bus, public transport receipt, etc), plus bank account details. We aim at reimbursing before April 30, 2014. Keep in mind this can take a little more time.
Although we managed to raise enough money each year so far, we cannot promise if we will succeed this year. In such case, we reimburse in percentage of the total needs. This is why we need to collect all the needs prior to start the reimbursement process.
If someone has an urgent need of money, we could exceptionaly send a partial reimbursement asap. In any event, we need your documents. We pay for the bank or Paypal fees however we have no control on the fees charged by your own bank upon receipt. We can also send international bank drafts through registered mail.
Louis Desjardins is responsible for reimbursement and he can be reached at any time (see Contact page).
The form will be online until 23:59 Monday April 14, 2014, EDT (North America Eastern Day Time).
While we do ask that you file yourself in as soon as you can before that deadline, if for any reason you are unable to make it in time, or if you have any question, please contact Louis directly. Remember, we are always there to help.
Thanks for participating at LGM 2014!
LAST MINUTE: WE HAVE PUT THE FORM BACK ONLINE UNTIL SATURDAY APRIL 19 TO ACCOMODATE THE ONES WHO COULD NOT MAKE THE DEADLINE. THANKS! — This form is scheduled to be online from the morning of LGM day 1 (April 2, 2014) until April 14, 2014. If you read this message, this means the Reimbursement form is either not yet available or no longer available for the LGM 2014. Check the dates!