The following guidelines are an effort to help make the best possible decision when aiming at next LGMs.
LGM Philosophy
LGM will be a melting pot, with free software graphics developers and artists meeting each other, exchanging ideas and tips, and planning the future of free graphics. Graphics professionals interested in learning about the state of the art in free software are also welcome.
The conference will be all about participation. Artists and developers, feel free to bring your laptops and tablets, and show us what you can (and can’t) do. Organise a BOF about your favourite project or feature. We’re aiming for a bazaar.
The conference is free to attend, and open to all.
LGM will bring together developers and users of the best of free software graphics applications – GIMP, Inkscape, Scribus, Blender and more. It promises to be a fun ride, with tutorials and presentations of applications, and lots of time and space to chat, meet up with old friends, make new ones. Plans will be made, hacking and drawing will be done, fun will be had.
Materialising LGM’s philosophy
- Potential for meeting between artists and developers
- Potential to bring something to LGM that wasn’t there before; to open up the community to participants that are currently not known.
- Potential to connect to local organisations, and make important connections to Libre Graphics that last beyond personal contact: artschools, design bureaus, activists
- Potential for the involved teams to grow the quality of software, either through deepening connections with users, research, reflection, development of new ideas, learning from each other’s methods